Thursday, February 08, 2007

Heuston, we have a problem

No it's not trouble in space, or even trouble for Iarnróid Eireann. I've had a few complaints wondering why their weekly points when added to last weeks total points don't add up to their total for this week :((
Anyway, after reporting the problem to my IT manager, he's come back after a few days saying that there is a bug in the software, which will have to be patched. On the good side, he did however say that the problem is just confined to the weekly scores and does not affect the overall scores. (at this juncture he's not sure if it affects the inter-transfer points). A fix will be in the offing soon, but he said that other more critical projects needed completing first.

unfortunately, some participants have seen fit to demand a personal apology from myself. I'm just the PR guy here .... anyway what would i know about that stuff .... i'm just a farmer for gods sake!

OK, Technical guy decided to fix the problem after all!! And i found a few discrepancies with the scores. The beneficiaries are:
Eddie's Gunners +19 (points from Louis Boa Morte were not being added in)
Pat's Pricks +4 (Ian Pearce was going into negative values recently)
Don's Danger Men +1 (Lucas Neil)
DJ's Deadlies +1 (John (Patsil)
Mairead's Sexy Men +1 (Lucas Neil)

Also, the weekly scores should add up from now on. and the inter transfer points have been updated too, but they will no longer show points for players you have sold (what they would have scored). Here's the correct leaderboard (hopefully) for the 5th February:

05/02/07 Team Name Total Week Inter Transfer

Der's Mighty Men 843 42 148

Cash's Cruisers 821 49 138

Pat's Pricks 795 50 145

Donal Murphy 787 33 131

Donal C's Losers 759 37 117

Eddies Gunners 744 47 142

Shaybee's 726 42 108

DJ's Danger Men 717 54 136

Don's Deadlies 715 57 138

Maireads Sexy Men 664 43 133

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